August 2015

The crystal structure of DnaB from Helicobacter pylori published in Nucleic Acids Research

In this paper we have also studied  the molecular basis of primosome (DnaB+DnaG complex) formation by several methods.

If you want to know more,  click on the structure

January 2015

Alexandre defended his PhD thesis on the structural basis of DNA replication in Helicobacter pylori.

Congratulations Alexandre !!!


November  2013

We publish the crystal structure of the BtpA TIR domain (also named TcpB) from Brucella. This protein is used by the bacteria to subvert the immune system so that it can invade its host.

If you want to know more,

click on the structure !

March 2014

Célia Bergé is starting a PhD in our group and will try to decipher the molecular interactions required for CagA injection into host-cells.

Her work will be supported by the ANR-International program in collaboration with Prof. Haas and Fischer’s group from Munich (LMU) and Dr. Fronzes (Institut Pasteur)

Summer 2014

This summer, we have presented our results at several conferences:

"IUCR International meeting ", Montreal, Canada

5-12, August

Alexandre has obtained the IUCR “Microlytic” prize for his poster !

2- 5, July

Célia has obtained a poster prize !


October 2014

Laurent is recipient of a Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale prize. The prize was given at the Lyon city Hall


January 2016

Maxime Guillerminet joins the lab to do his Master 2 internship and work on H. pylori T4SS.

Welcome Maxime !

December 2015

The Foundation for medical research (FRM) writes a little synopsis of our research. Thanks to their generosity we have recruited an engineer for two years

November 2015

We publish the crystal structure of a member of a recently discovered Type IV secretion system family of effector kinases (Flayhan et al., Scientific Reports).

The structure reveals a plethora of novel features for a S/T kinase, including a novel dimeric form which suggests an explanation for the constitutive activity of the protein.

See also the highlights in the SOLEIL synchrotron NEWS

If you want to know more, click on the structure

Kaplan-Türköz et al., Febs Letter 2013
Bazin et al., Nucleic Acid Research 2015
Flayhan et al., Scientific Reports 2015

February 2016

Dr Mickaël Cherrier is elected as a member of Conseil d’administration of the French Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology SFBBM

Congratulations Mickaël and Good luck for this new assignment !

March 2016

We publish a study in NAR initiated and led by Marie-Francoise Noirot-Gros, which describes the structure of YabA, a regulator/coordinator of DNA replication in Bacillus subtilis.

A nice team work combining X-ray crystallography, SAXS, MALS, Modelling and in vivo studies

If you want to know more, click on the structure !

Felicori et al., Nucleic acid Research 2016

May 2016

Célia Has participated to the school of Structural Biology at l’Ile d’Oléron, provided by  RéNaFoBiS

June 2016

Congratulations to Maxime who has obtained his Master 2 with excellent grades and a novel job !

We wish him very good luck for his future brilliant career !

September 2016 (2)

Mickaël leaves the team to go to the Institute of Structural Biology (IBS, Grenoble). Good luck to him for his new appointment

September 2016 (1)

The characterization of a novel familly of PAAR-like familly in the Type 6 secretion system is described in PloS Pathogens here.

A fruitful collaboration between laboratories for this work initiated and directed by Dr. Thomas Henry from the CIRI, Lyon. Congratulations to Mélanie !

Rigard et al., PloS Pathogens 2016

October 2016

Dr. Karl Brillet joins the lab !

Before Karl was an Engineer at Institut de recherche de l’Ecole de biotechnologie de Strasbourg in Strasbourg. There he ran the platform IMPReSs and was a member of the team bacterial membrane transport led by Isabelle Shalk.

Welcome Karl

November 2016 (2)

As deputy director of SFR Biosciences, a Grant of 587 keuros has been awarded by the Plan-Cancer to a consortium led by Laurent to purchase a novel Mass Spectrometer.

November 2016 (1)

Laurent becomes a Editorial Member

of Scientific Reports (Nature publishing Group)

December 2016

Laurent gives a talk at the T4SS Meeting in Beilngries, Germany organised by Steffen Backert and Elisabeth Grohmann

January 2017

Happy New Year 2017 !!!

We welcome the arrival of Albane Lysiak who is starting her master internship with us

February 2017

We publish a book chapter with Célia summarizing what is known about Cag protein interactions with host-cell partners in the book:

Molecular Pathogenesis and Signal Transduction by Helicobacter pylori

Edited by Steffen Backert and Nicole Tegtmeyer

May 2017

We contributed to a very nice study by Paul Imbert from the Salcedo Lab. The paper describes the function of a novel TIR protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7 strain

If you want to know more, click on the figure !

June 2017

We were at the Waskman’s lab alumni reunion to celebrate Gabriel 60th birthday in Aussois (French Alps).

Octobre 2017

We publish in FEBS Journal a study of protein-protein interactions between CagT4SS pilus associated proteins and integrin a5b1.

Activation of integrin seems to increase protein-protein interactions strength and in some cases is required for interaction.

Congrats Thomas !

If you want to know more, click on the figure !

Koelblen et al., FEBS Journal 2017

December 2017

Célia Bergé has brilliantly defended her PhD thesis on the “Biochemical and structural studies of proteins involved in the biogenesis of Helicobacter pylori type IV secretion system pilus “

Congratulations Célia !!!!!

January 2018

We welcome the arrival of Marine Losfelt !

Marine will stay for a master 2 (University of lyon, Biochemistry) and work to understand cagT4SS proteins structures

February 2018

We welcome the arrival in the team of Dr Isabelle Krimm (from ISA, Lyon) as a visiting Scientist.

Isabelle is a Scientist expert in Fragment-based drug discovery and NMR.

March 2018 (1)

In a paper published in Journal of International Medical Microbiology done in collaboration with Prof. C. Josenhans (University of Hannover) we describe the structural and biochemical properties of CagM and CagN.

Congratulations to Simon and Célia (Simon stayed for three months in our lab thanks to an EMBO short-term fellowship). If you want to know more about this click on the figure !

Bats et al., J. Int. Med. Microbiology, 2018

March 2018 (2)

We have had the pleasure to host for a week Siméon Richard, a young student (14 years old) keen to discover protein purification and crystallography.

Way to go young man !

July 2018 (1)

Laurent gives a talk at the H. pylori conference in Helsingor (Denmark)

Exciting meeting and great fun to see some old friends and colleagues

July 2018 (2)

Laurent is an external jury member of Charline Mary PhD defense at the University of Montreal. A very kind invitation by Prof. Christian Baron. In the afternoon he gave a seminar on the latest development in the Structural Biology of type IV secretion system effectors

July 2018 (3)

Marine Losfelt has been awarded a PhD fellowship from the ministry at the EDISS concours. She will study the structure of proteins from the Helicobacter pylori cagT4SS.

Congratulations Marine and see you in October !

October 2018

Marine Losfelt starts her PhD with us after a summer of resting and travelling :)

Welcome back Marine !

November  2018

We contribute to a study by Prof. Haas’ group published in PloS Pathogens. In this study it is clearly show that despite interacting with Cag proteins, the presence of integrin subunits on the cell is no absolutely required for H. pylori to inject CagA

Want to read the paper, click here !

December  2018

We contribute to a study by Dr. Ursula Liebl (Polytechique Paris) by providing the structure of SHMT of Helicobacter pylori published in PlosOne.

If you want to know more, click on the picture

January  2019

We welcome Marine Blanc, who will do her master internship in our lab to study H. pylori cagT4SS proteins

January  2019

Happy new year !!!

A small contribution of our team in this beautiful study from Thomas, Joanna, Anja and Beat and others published in Nature Communications. Solid-state NMR used to decipher structural transitions involved in HpDnaB helicase nucleotide and DNA binding.

Congratulations !

February  2019

We have had the pleasure to Host Yoann Santin from Eric Cascales lab to work on T6SS proteins. Hard work from Yoann, but rewarding at the end of the day :). Well done !

October 2019

The structure of a IbpS, a novel effector from the bacterial plant pathogen Dickeya dadantii is published in Nature Communications. A study led by Guy Condemine that shows that this effector is involved in protecting the bacteria from ROS production by the plant. In addition, the gene encoding this effector seems to have been transferred to numerous plant pathogens, including fungi. Congratulations to VIrginie Gueguen-Chaignon from SFRBiosciences who worked har to get the structure with us.

If you want to know more about this remarkable family of proteins, click on the structure !

November  2019

Our Article is highlighted in the CNRS Biology News: a summary of our findings is described in French.

More here !


July - November  2019

Our ANR on the Helicobacter pylori T4SS got funded and starts now !!!

Recruitment for a novel post-doctoral associate has started

July  2020

We welcome the arrival of Dr. Jérémy Guerin in our lab to work on the Helicobacter pylori T4SS. Jérémy comes back from the NIH where he did a post-doct in the prestigious Susan Buchanan Lab at the NIH

Welcome Jérémy !!!

January  2021

We welcome the arrival of Léo Martinez (L3 student from University Nîmes) and Léa El Hajjar (M2 student from university of Lyon)

Léo will be investigating the type IV secretion system of H. pylori and Léa will study the structure of Brucella effectors

Welcome Léo and Léa

NAD activity of BtpA/B from Brucella

A small contribution of our group to this elegant study by the Salcedo group in PloS Pathogens with tight collaboration of Prof. Victor Cid, Prof. Gorvel and Prof. Molina

Congratulations to Julia and Arthur for their beautiful work

If you want to know more about this Brucella effector protein, click on the structure !

January 202

Our project of Collaboration with Dr. Diego Comerci and Juan Ugalde from CONICET (Argentina) has been funded by the

ECOS-SUD program. This will allow the exchange of students and visits to both countries to study novel Bacterial Effectors.

Sodolescu et al., Plos One 2018
Liu et al., Nature Communications 2019
Coronas-Serna et al., PloS Pathogens 2020

May 2021

We welcome the arrival of Anaïs Vieille (Assistant Engineer student from ESTBB). She will work on Helicobacter pylori proteins

Welcome Anaïs !

June 2021

Congratulations to Lea who obtained a Master 2 ! She is now looking for a PhD opportunity

Good time to celebrate with the opening of Bars ! (oh yeah and I am ver bad at taking selfies...)


June 2011

We publish a review with Marie-Françoise Noirot in Integrative Biology were we describe recent advances in Structural Biology of bacterial protein complexes.

Want to know more ?

click on the Figure

Dian et al., Mol. Mic. 2011

April 2011

The structure of the Helicobacter pylori Ferric uptake regulator is published in Molecular Microbiology

Want to know more ?

click on the structure

Terradot and Noirot-Gros, Int. Biology 2011

July 2011

We publish a review with Prof. Gabriel Waksman on the structural biology of the Helicobacter pylori Cag-T4SS.

This review is part of a series dedicated to the biology of the Cag-T4SS edited by Prof. Giuseppe Zanotti.

Want to know more ?

click on the Figure

Terradot and Waksman, Febs Journal 2011

October 2011

Two new students have joined the lab:

Alexandre Bazin is starting a PhD on the structural biology of DNA replication. He is funded by a the CIBLE program 2011 from the Region Rhônes-Auvergne.

Arthur Louche is doing his Master 2 internship in our team and hopes to unravel the structures of H. pylori virulence factors.

Welcome to them !

October 2012

Célia Bergé is doing her Master 2 internship in our team and hope to unravel the structures of H. pylori pilus proteins

Website down In 2012 !

November 2012

Dr Ali Flayhan has joined the team to work on bacterial T4SS effectors. His project is funded by the FINOVI foundation

September 20112

The structure of CagA published in PNAS.

In this study we have solved the structure of a large fragment of the CagA oncoprotein. Our collaborators in Munich have used an inhibition assay and to show that an original structural feature of CagA allows its binding to integrin and its injection in human cells

May 2013

The Excellence laboratory initiative ECOFECT website is now online. Our group is involved in this recently launch venture that aims to use multiscale approaches to study infectious diseases mechanisms.

If you want to know more about ECOFECT,click on the logo.

March 2013

We welcome Simon Bats, a PhD student from Christine Josenhans Group (Univeristy of Hannover). Simon is recipient of a Short-Term EMBO fellowship to study proteins from Helicobacter pylori in our laboratory

September 2013

We welcome the arrival in our group of Mickaël Cherrier as a newly recruited Maître de Conférence (Assistant Professor) at the University of Lyon 1. Mickaël did his PhD in Juan Fontecilla-Camps laboratory (in Grenoble) Followed by a post-doctoral stay in Michael Rossman’s lab in Purdue (USA). He then moved back to Grenoble to work at ESRF and then Institut de Biologie Structurale. Mickaël has acquired expertise in many structural biology techniques that he has used to study various biological process including metallo-enzymes and large  macromolecular complexes such as virus capsids.

Welcome !

Kaplan-Türköz et al., PNAS 2012