Lab pictures

30/03/2011 Good bye Steffie !

Steffie and Goran in the lab

Steffie and Burcu at the Restaurant

At the “Pizza Latino”

03/2012 The team at SOLEIL (French synchrotron)

05/2013 Lab Barbecue with Alexandre and Loren, Thomas and Aurore, Mermeth and Burcu (hiding..) Ali and Racha and Célia and Sarah

May 2013. ESRF....Happy Ali when crystals diffract !

04/2014 Lab Barbecue with Valentin, Thomas, Ali and Racha, Célia, Aurore, Sarah, Alexandre and Loren, Mickaël and Laurent

12/2013 Christmas Lunch (Feast...) Alexandre, Mickaël, Ali, Laurent, Thomas, Célia and Sylvain

Lab Tee-shirt Collection 2014

07/2014 Célia at the Helsingor meeting on Helicobacter pylori

08/2014 Alexandre in front of his poster at the IUCR meeting in Montreal. He got the Microlytic Prize !

07/2014 Célia receiving her poster prize at the Helsingor meeting

11/2015. The Lab in the train going back from the Helicobacter pylori workshop In Herrshing (Germany)

05/2015. The Lab Barbecue 2015 with the traditional Pétanque Game. From left to right, Valentin and Célia, Alexandre and Lorène, Maud and Mickaël, Jean-Baptiste, Maxime, Sylvain, Laurent, Thomas and Aurore. The Lab members have decided to highjack the “crystallogenesis god” and to sacrifice him since he did not do that much to crystal growing this year....

02/2015 Alexandre defends his PhD thesis, Congratulations Dr. Bazin !

Here is the movie made by the lab members made to celebrate the event


Célia has brilliantly defended her PhD thesis

Congratulations to her !


Siméon Richard, a young student discovers what is a Research Lab.

He is so keen that he has impressed everybody :).

Well done Siméon  !